Rumors go around, pushing you away from the path of truth. Many think a lot about me, a few really knows.

May 6, 2018

Clashing with an empath/me and why...

I found this interesting and helpful article. It helped me to understand better,
why some people do not like me, when usually people like me right away!
(Quite common for empaths to be liked,
due to their understanding, caring and non-judgemental personality.)

I am an empath and here's some more info about that:

Reflecting Back

"Because being around an Empath can bring up anything buried, it may cause a strong loathing to develop in others. However, what those who experience this ‘loathing’ don’t realize is the intense dislike they have, towards the Empath, is simply a reflection of their shadow-side. Anything hidden becomes seen within the ‘Mirror of the Empath’."

I have noticed this... :'D Thus many "removals" of "friends",
they can't face them selves and I can't face inauthenticity...

The Mirror Effect

"Because an Empath picks up on other people’s emotions, hidden behaviours and true personality traits, they can take them on and thus project them back out to their rightful owner. They can wear other people’s truth like the mask they hide behind; even if they are unaware they are doing it."

I am very self-aware... I have noticed I do this and it makes me anxious, I don't want people to think I am fake, I just need to learn how not to do it I guess...

Your Stillness is Wrongly Interpreted

"Because at times, you may appear aloof some may consider this to be superior behaviour. Wrongly assuming you believe you are in some way above them.

Normally, when an Empath acts in an aloof or distant way, it is because they are on overload.

When having taken on too much stimuli from their surroundings and are in serious need of recharging, the Empath wants nothing more than to be invisible to others."

Yes! I "retrieve" sometimes and some think I am not ok, or disliking them, but it is simply because I am gathering my energy and dealing with all feelings and thoughts, gathered from usually too many people at once...

"And when heading towards a fatigue meltdown, the last thing an Empath can deal with is someone offloading their troubles, like so many like to do. Even polite conversation is too much. This is often interpreted as a rejection or an insult.

Because others don’t feel what an Empath feels, it is difficult for them to understand why they have to withdraw the way they do."


~ Love, Ninja